STARTX client Ansible collection

This is the main documentation for the startxfr.client ansible collection.


version Description
ocp role Install or uninstall OCP CLI (installer, oc, kubectl)
okd role Install or uninstall OKD CLI (installer, oc, kubectl)
helm role Install or uninstall Helm CLI
git role Install or uninstall git CLI
istio role Install or uninstall istioctl CLI
terraform role Install or uninstall terraform CLI
ansible role Install or uninstall ansible CLI
aws role Install or uninstall aws CLI
podman role Install or uninstall podman CLI
vault role Install or uninstall vault CLI


If you want to follow the collection history, you can follow the release history.

Improve and develop role

If you want to contrbute to the startx inititive you can follow the developper guidelines.


A full list of the contributors is available under the contributors list page.